On February 14, 2021 in Backend

JS to Go: Writing Basic Tests in Go

Tests are important for many reasons. Knowing your software behaves as expected, safely making changes in an unfamiliar codebase, or documenting the behavior of business logic are just a few reasons to write tests. In contrast to JavaScript, Go ships with great testing capabilities as part of the standard library. In this post we learn the basics of how to leverage them.

  • Go
  • Testing
  • TDD
  • JavaScript

I have been working with Go in a service-oriented architecture over the past year and a half. It has been a fun ride after years of working with and enjoying JavaScript. This post is part of a series in which I attempt to make my learnings accessible to other engineers with a JavaScript background. Huge thanks go to my dear colleague Tom Arrell who has taught me most of the things I now know about Go.

Tests are one of the most important things when shipping software users depend on. When making fast incremental changes in a large project, tests and good test coverage allow us to trust we did not break anything. This is especially true when working in an unfamiliar codebase where tests also help us understand how a certain part of the code works.

TypeScript and Go each have a static type system which protects us from passing incompatible parameters to functions or accessing object properties in an unsafe way. Having that extra safety compared to JavaScript is great, but we will still want to cover our application or library code in tests. In this blog post we will explore how to do that in Go, and we will look at some patterns for different test scenarios and contexts.

I assume you test your JavaScript code with Jest. All examples from this post are available on GitHub.

Writing a Basic Function Test

Let’s start by testing a simple sum function which takes two numbers and returns their sum.1 The JavaScript version of that function looks like as follows.

function sum(a, b) {
return a + b

In our test we set up the two inputs a and b, write down the expected return value (want) and run our assertion using Jest’s expect function and the toBe matcher. The test file, sum.spec.js, is colocated with the module, sum.js.

import { sum } from './sum';
test('sum', () => {
const a = 1;
const b = 2;
const want = 3;
const got = sum(a, b)

The Go equivalent to the above example looks like this.

package math
func Sum(a, b int) int {
return a + b

In a math package we export a Sum function from a sum.go file. Right next to that file we place our test file, sum_test.go with the following test code.

package math
import "testing"
func TestSum(t *testing.T) {
a := 1
b := 2
want := 3
got := Sum(a, b)
if want != got {
t.Fatalf("Sum: wanted %d, got %d", want, got)

Our testing approach is the same as in the JavaScript example. So let us look at the differences in how tests work in go. The most significant difference is that Go has out of the box-support for testing. You do not need a testing framework like Jest.

Testing frameworks for Go do exist. If you look for them, you will most likely stumble upon Ginkgo or GoConvey. Both these examples aim at providing a Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) testing experience. They provide abstractions for writing tests and test runners with features like watch mode.

I would recommend against using such testing frameworks. As with other aspects of writing Go, I feel that sticking close to the language and its tooling keeps things simple. If you want to write BDD style tests, there are ways of doing that with Go’s testing support as explained later in this post.

Tests are run with the go test command and package testing provides all the basics you need to test your code. Additionally, the example demonstrates the following.

  • Tests live in a file with the _test suffix in the filename. When you run go test, the test tool will look for files with that suffix.
  • Every test is defined with a function using the Test prefix in the function name, i.e. TestSum. It is important that the first letter after Test is capitalized. Functions located in a test file and using this name pattern are identified as test routine.
  • Test routines are called with a pointer to an instance of the T struct from the testing package (i.e. *testing.T). T manages the test state and provides functions for failing a test or writing logs.
  • Assertions can be written with plain Go. You make your assertion in a simple if statement. You fail the test by calling t.Fail, t.FailNow, t.Fatal, t.Fatalf, or other methods on the T struct. This becomes a bit tedious for more complicated assertions, so will look at assertion libraries in the next section.

Powerful Assertions With Testify

Making assertions with if statements can get a bit harder to read and may become quite involved when you start handling more complicated assertions. For example, you may want to test whether a slice contains a certain value or that an HTTP handler returns a certain status code. Testify is a very popular library for mocking and assertions. It is designed to work well with the standard library.2

Let us rewrite the assertion in TestSum with Testify.

package math
import (
func TestSumWithTestify(t *testing.T) {
a := 1
b := 2
want := 3
got := Sum(a, b)
require.Equal(t, want, got)

Here we are using Testify’s require package and the Equal assertion. Testify also has an assert package with the same API. However, the assertions in require will fail your test immediately, while assert’s assertions will allow your test to continue. I prefer my tests to fail immediately because I find it easier to identify the underlying problem. The first argument to an assertion is the testing.T pointer. Assertions comparing an expected and an actual value take the expected value as second parameter and the actual value as third parameter. This is important because you can easily get confused by a failing test’s output when you flipped the two.

If you have a test with several assertions, you can create an instance of the require package Assertions and use that directly. The same is true for the assert package.

package math
import (
func TestSumWithAssertionsInstance(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
a := 1
b := 2
want := 3
got := Sum(a, b)
require.Equal(want, got)

Some linter rules may complain about shadowing the require package inside your test function. Do not bother with those violations, as this is common practice.

Behavior-Driven Development With Subtests

Earlier in this post I mentioned how some Go testing frameworks are made for Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). In BDD you develop your software and tests against human-readable requirements. These requirements can, for example, be written by product managers using a product domain’s ubiquitous language.

To make the example a bit more interesting, let us consider a sumOrMax function. sumOrmax returns the sum of parameters a and b as long as it stays below a max value provided as a third parameter. If the sum is larger than max, sumOrMax returns max.

export function sumOrMax(a, b, max) {
const sum = a + b;
return sum < max ? sum : max;

Jest supports BDD tests out of the box with the describe and it functions.

import { sumOrMax } from './sum-or-max';
describe('sumOrMax', () => {
describe('when the sum is below the maximum', () => {
it('should return the sum', () => {
const a = 1;
const b = 2;
const max = 4;
const want = 3;
const have = sumOrMax(a, b, max);
describe('when the sum is at or above the maximum', () => {
it('should return the maximum', () => {
const a = 5;
const b = 10;
const max = 4;
const want = max;
const have = sumOrMax(a, b, max);

In Go, we can achieve something equivalent with subtests. The Go version of sumOrMax looks as follows.

package math
func SumOrMax(a, b, max int) int {
sum := a + b
if sum < max {
return sum
return max

To write our BDD-style test, we take advantage of the Run method exposed by the T struct. It allows us to spawn a new test, a subtest. The behavior is similar to that of it in Jest.

package math
import (
func TestSumOrMax(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("when the sum is below the maximum", func(t *testing.T) {
a := 1
b := 2
max := 4
want := 3
have := SumOrMax(a, b, max)
require.Equal(t, want, have, "should return the sum")
t.Run("when the sum is at or above the maximum", func(t *testing.T) {
a := 5
b := 10
max := 4
want := max
have := SumOrMax(a, b, max)
require.Equal(t, want, have, "should return the maximum")

For every describe block in the JavaScript test suite, we introduce a call to t.Run. For the description of the it blocks we pass a description of the expected behavior to the assertion call. Most of Testify’s assertions support that extra msgAndArgs parameter.

Testing Many Scenarios With Table-Driven Tests

Especially in unit tests we may want to test a given function for many different inputs. In such cases, table-driven tests are an efficient approach allowing us to test many scenarios without duplicating test logic.

Let us try table-driven tests with a fib function, which returns the nth number in the Fibonacci series.3 Our JavaScript implementation looks as follows.

export function fib(n) {
if (n < 2) {
return n;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

In Jest, we implement a table-driven test as follows.

import { fib } from './fib';
describe('fib', () => {
[0, 0],
[1, 1],
[2, 1],
[3, 2],
[4, 3],
[5, 5],
[6, 8],
[7, 13],
[8, 21],
])('fib(%i) should be %i', (n, want) => {
const have = fib(n);

In case you are not familiar with how table tests in Jest work, I will walk you through it.

  1. In our call to each() we pass the test table. This is a nested array where every element is a test case. Each test case consists of function parameters and the expected value. You may order these as you like as the values are just forwarded in order.
  2. In the chained call to the return value of each() we pass a description of the test and a function to run the test. The description is a template string, where the test case values can be rendered using printf format. The test function receives the values of our test case as arguments.
  3. In our test function we run assertions just like we would in a normal it() test.

Jest will run every test case and show a nice report of the successes and failures.

The Go implementation, Fib looks as follows.

package math
func Fib(n int) int {
if n < 2 {
return n
return Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2)

To create the same table-driven test as we did for the JavaScript version we will use t.Run, just like we did in our subtests.

package math
import (
func TestFib(t *testing.T) {
require := require.New(t)
tc := []struct {
n int
want int
{0, 0},
{1, 1},
{2, 1},
{3, 2},
{4, 3},
{5, 5},
{6, 8},
{7, 13},
{8, 21},
for _, tt := range tc {
name := fmt.Sprintf("fib(%d) should be %d", tt.n, tt.want)
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(tt.want, Fib(tt.n))

There is no test framework magic involved here.

  1. We create a table for our test cases, tc, as a slice using an inline struct type for the values.
  2. We iterate over the test cases in a for loop using the range expression.
  3. Finally, we create a name for the subtest and run the test using testify for assertions.

And that is it, we have successfully tested Fib for many inputs.


In this post we have learned how to write tests for simple Go functions. These functions were simple in the sense that they were pure: the same inputs lead to the same output with no other side effects.

Testing a function is straightforward with Go’s standard library — you just write Go, no frameworks needed. Libraries like Testify help a lot by reducing the effort you have to put into your assertions. Subtests allow you to structure your test cases in a BDD style manner. Finally, table-driven tests make it easy to handle many test cases with very little code.

Things will get a bit more difficult when you need to deal with dependencies, such as databases. For example, if your function queries a database, you will not necessarily want to have that database running for a unit test. In a future post we will look at how interfaces and mocks can help us with this problem.

  1. Incidentally, this is the same example the Jest folks use on their website. 🤷‍♂️
  2. I would recommend using the official GoMock framework over using Testify’s mocking feature.
  3. This example is shamelessly taken from Dave Cheney’s very helpful and always interesting blog.